Sunday, October 6, 2013

Foot Styles for Standing Jewelry Armoires

Now that we've talked about leg design, a natural next discussion point is the foot design for standing jewelry armoires.  Like the leg styles, foot styles generally fall into antique, traditional, and modern.

Antique designs include Arrow, Ball, Block, and Bun.  All of these are designs that have withstood the test of time, over centuries, and remain both functional and attractive.

Traditional designs include the Bracket, Cylindrical, French, and Ogee Bracket Foot with French and Bracket Foot being two of the more popular.  The Pad Foot is a simple design that fits well with Cabriole legs (and are therefore popular foot designs).

For standing jewelry cases with no legs, the Onion Foot (and versions of it) as well as the Bracket Foot tend to be the most popular as, like the antique designs mentioned above, they are practical and visually appealing.

These styles tend to be used in designs such as Heppelwhite, Sheraton, Windsor, Chippendale, and Queen Anne.

Feet for modern standing jewelry armoires are generally square blocked at the bottom, as the legs are normally straight with little design and, as such, the feet become extensions of the legs.  In some cases, the feet are cut to points or notched to provide a visual break between the leg and foot.

Animal designs that are rarely seen include the Claw & Ball, Dolphin, Hoof, and Paw.

The attraction of any standing jewelry case is going to be a combination of all aspects of the design:  feet, legs, drawers, hardware, finish, wood, and wood design.  As you shop for a standing jewelry box, the integration of each one of these will create choices that will let you pick the perfect jewelry box for you!

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