Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jewelry Terms That Describe a Rings Design

When it comes to trying to describe something about a piece of jewelry, it can be difficult to do so without knowing the proper terms. I know I have made up words to refer to an area of my ring like do-hicky, for example, so I am sure that you may struggle with the right jewelry terms now and then too. Let's take a look at some Jewelry Terms for Rings that you can use when you need to describe your ring.

Profile: This describes the height of the ring's setting.

Shoulders: Similar to the term shank but often refers to the part of the ring leading up to the gemstone setting.

Solitaire: This term is used to describe a ring that has one single gemstone set into it.

Shank: This term describes the part of the ring that surrounds the finger.

Setting: This term describes the metal portion to which a gemstone is set into the ring (example: prong setting, bezel setting, etc..)

Mounting: A piece of jewelry - in this case a ring that does not have any stones set into it yet.

Gallery: This term refers to metal strips used to make settings for stones in rings and other pieces of jewelry.

Collar: This term is used to describe a molding or bands around the stone.

These general terms should help you next time you need to describe your ring to others or even design a ring. But even if you forget some, I think most people understand the term do-hicky too.

by Jasmine Yesak, Contributing Editor at ChasingTreasure.com, online retailer of quality jewelry boxes, jewelry organizers and watch boxes. Jasmine is a Jewelry Enthusiast and Organization Consultant, she writes about Jewelry Care and Jewelry Storage Tips.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for provide me information about the jewelry terms that are necessary to describe a ring
